I have a local development machine running OpenBD 1.4 (Open BlueDragon - a CFML java engine, similar to Adobe ColdFusion ) which sits on top of an Apache Tomcat 6.0 web server. As I'm developing applications locally, I use the Apache Tomcat server as my http server. I have some newer applications that utilise SES URL's (When I say SES I mean http://www.mydomain.com/index.cfm/xxx/xxx/). I fired up one of the applications and I was served up Tomcat Error 404, page not found.
Update web.xml with SES URLs Filter to support /index.cfm/*
After some playing around and scouring the internet for answers I stumbled across the answer over at my colleague Stewart Roberts, blog. The simple fix solved all of my problems. Here is the step by step.
- Open your installation path to OpenBD or Tomcat and locate a file called web.xml. (In my installation this is located at "C:\openbd\tomcat\conf\web.xml")
- Open the file in a text editor (notepad, wordpad or textpad) and locate the line:<servlet-mapping><servlet-name>cfmServlet</servlet-name><url-pattern>*.cfm</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>.
- Under the line of code you have just located, you are going to insert a new line of code to support your new URL structure of "*/index.cfm/*". The code is as follows:
Restart your Tomcat or OpenBD installation and you should be good to go. No more 404 pages and happy coding :-)